
I watched it #1

While we do have a TV at home, we have no cable. We use only two streaming services, YouTube and Netflix. My eldest son watches TV the most and we try our best to limit the amount of TV time and to motivate him to choose what to watch. I also watch things on Netflix maybe once a week when I have some time and disposition for it.

In the past I used to resort to rewaching one of the same favourite shows over and over again. It was my New Year’s resolution in 2021 to not do this anymore for one year (No rewatches!) and it helped me to kick the habit. Now I try to be more mindful about what I watch and I have a few strategies for this:

  • I watch documentaries most of the times, on topics I enjoy or I want to know more about
  • I choose movies rather then series
  • I save things I would like to watch in my list when I have patience to look for and choose interesting productions.
  • I very rarely commit to watching a series, as they are very time consuming and I do not learn much from them.
  • If I watch a series, I limit myself to one episode at a time.

I like to collect the titles of the things I watched, like I collect the books I read. So I will put a list here from time to time, even if I will probably not comment too much on the titles.

So here goes the first such list of what I watched in the last months.

  1. Fear city (New York Vs. The Mafia)
  2. Who killed Malcolm X
  3. Vatican Girl (The Disappearance of Emanuela Orlando)
  4. Go Trabi Go
  5. Munich The Edge of War
  6. Cryptopia
  7. A short history of the Moors
  8. The long road to war
  9. The pale blue eye
  10. Leon the professional

In the last eight months, I watched the last season of The Crown, Vikings Valhalla and The Queen’s Gambit. This was however at the beginning of my maternity leave with my youngest son, so I do not expect to repeat this in the near future due to lack of time.

Plane watching – things I enjoy #1

I stumbled upon some pop psychology information in a newspaper or on YouTube, cannot recall which: don’t ask yourself what you find relaxing, but rather what soothes you. It’s a good question and I do not have a full answer for it yet.

Looking at planes is certainly one of those things. Fortunately we leave quite close to the airport and before we move away from the Zurich area, I want to go more often and just look at airplanes land, eat an ice-cream and feel the wanderlust.

These are some shots from the last time we went to the Pistenende.

Flowers from our garden

This is the first year when I succeeded keeping flowers alive for long enough to bloom. I do not have as much time as last year to be in the garden, so I decided to cut some flowers and enjoy them at home in a vase.

So far, I got a bouquet of Pfingstrosen. I planted it last spring, but it remained without bloom, but this year it did not disappoint. It was a joy to look at them.

My husband also brought some of the roses. The small, red ones are particularly sturdy. The rose bush is largely unaffected by parasites and the roses in the vase are almost two weeks old and look still fresh. The yellow roses look a bit like English roses, which I only saw in pictures until now.

I planted the ranunculus seeds very late this year (March instead of December) and I was not very hopeful about them. Yet here they are, looking great. As soon as the seedling got some energy, they were very low maintenance. I used some blue beans to protect them from slugs.

I still have some lavandel and summer flowers that did not bloom yet.

Our garden in 2022 – the harvest #2

I was busy with a lot of admin stuff in the last weeks and working on this website had to take a step back. So it is only now that I can post the second part about what we harvested in our garden last year.

Produce from below the ground

We planted onions and garlic both last year and the year before that. To my shame, I only just learned that if you want to harvest the big garlic cloves, you need to leave the garlic over the winter and harvest the next year. It is also possible to plan onions in the autumn and leave them over the winter to harvest big onions in the spring.

Potatoes were just a fun, on the whim project. They are cheap enough in the supermarket, but on the other hand they are low maintenance and very fun to get out of the dirt with your kid. We also got some unusual sort of potatoes with red peel and yelowish inside, which we never found in the supermarket. The potatoes we harvested were delicious, probably also due to the satisfaction of having produced them ourselves.

Produce from above the ground

Zucchini are also a low maintenance plant. Once they get going, you just need to water them. They also yield a lot of fruits. We had four zucchini plants and we got more then we can eat. This year I would probably harvest the flowers too and try some recipies.

Our kid loves cucumbers and he ate almost all the cucumbers we got last year.

We planted a lot of chard. This salad goes nicely with spaghetti and it’s very expensive in the supermarket. So we are definetly having it in the garden this year, but maybe only half of the plants.

We also had a bed with just herbs. Parsley dominated it in the end. We also have a lovage plant, which just grows back every year. This one is very prone to plant lice and I will try to find out what to do about it this year. The rosemary plant turned into an uncontrolled bush. We do not like rosemary very much so this year I am not having it again in the garden and I hope I removed all roots properly.

The beans were also a nice surprinse for us given how easy they grow and how much you get from just one plant. They also kept producing until late October. Green beans are not very cheap in the supermarket and sometimes they are just not good (too old, to stringy), so it is worth having them in the garden.

So this concludes the garden reports. I hope this year brings at least half of what we got last year. As we now have a baby in the family, I cannot be as productive as last year. I am thinking to write another post about my goals in the garden for this year, but this is not really my style. But who knows?

Our garten in 2022 – the harvest #1

Our small garden kept on giving until late in October. This is not a botanical classification of the things we harvested, just a way to make the story more organized. Here is the first part about the harvest. Read about the planting in my previous post.


With about two square meters of strawberry plants, we were surprised how much such a small surface can yield. Strawberries are a low maintenance plant. We just put mulch around them and checked for slugs often. Our son ate most of the harvest, so not jam resulted from these.

We planted the red currant bushes last autumn, so there was not a lot to harvest this year. The red currants had the same fate as the strawberries – our son loves these too. Funnily enough, he doesn’t like the store bough currants nearly as much, although they taste the same. I suspect is the eating directly from the bush that he is missing.

We inherited a black currant bush from the previous tenant. None of us like them very much fresh, but it seemed such a waste to not harvest them. From the 4-5 kilograms I plucked, I made several jars of jam. I used a strainer to remove the skin and the seeds from the currants and the results was delicious.

The grape vine was also in the garten when we took over it. I have no clue what kind of grapes it produces, but these species of grape vine is used a lot around Europe for providing shade. The fruits are sweet on the inside, their skin is sour and they have a lot of seeds. Compared to the sweet, seedles, thin skin version from the supermarket, with these grapes you are never bored when you eat them.

We planted one melon seedling just for fun, without much hope for the outcome, considering the rainy, clowdy weather I enjoy around my area. The seedlig grew a lot and made plenty of flowers and tiny melons. Soon I understood that I need to keep this plan short and force it to store its energy in 2-3 melons if we want to get something edible out of it. In the end we got 3 melons, which were fairly tasty.

Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable? I leave this discussion to biologists and culinary experts. I made it my personal project to grow tomatoes this year after the complete failure from last year. Tomatoes are high maintenance. They love light, but no direct sunlight. They need water, but not on their leaves. They have no control over how much and in what direction they grow. Their fruits are disproportionally big compared to their fragile stems. They are also very sensitive to parasites.

My husband built a small covered enclosure to protect the tomato plants from direct sunlight. A friendly neighbour sprayed the plants with a Bordeaux mixture. I pruned them almost weekly and supported the stems with sticks. The hard work paid off and we got a lot of tomatoes during the summer. At the end of September, my mother-in-law even had enough to prepare two huge 8 liter jars of pickled green tomatoes, a popular preserve in Romania.

I will continue this post soon.

Our garden in 2022 – planting

Last year was the first one when we had our own garden patch from the gardening association in our town. This garden was our go-to during all the weekends when we did not have another outdoor activity planned. We tried our hand at growing vegetables or relaxed by the fire grilling. But mainly we used it as a safe place for our kid to consume energy and do what kids do.

At the end of February, we started with some cleaning and preparing planting beds.

At the beginning of March, we prepared seedlings of vegetables that we buy a lot. We used plastic containers from take away or the supermarket vegetables. After filling them up with soil and planting the seeds, we watered them and left them on the balcony. In the end it took almost two months to see seedlings coming out of the soil. So our assumption that the balcony is a bit warmer then the garden was wrong and this year we are keeping the seedlings inside the apartment, hoping they will grow faster.

In the garden, things started to come back to life by the end of March to middle of April. We kept the flowers to a minimum, just along the front fence because we are practical people who are motivated to tend to things that actually produce something. We planted a few red currant bushed the previous year because the kid loves them, but only if he can pluck them himself. My mother-in-law helped with with the onion bed. We also had onions and garlic from last year, which we learned one should leave in the ground over the winter to get to the big size. Not pictured here is the potatoes bed, which we decided to have just for fun and because we had some potatoes that are not normally in the standard supermarket supply.

By mid-May, things were starting to shape-up nicely. The weather was now warm enough, so we planted the few seedling we got. We also got lucky with a neighbour, who had too many tomato seedlings, so we got about 20 of those and were able to try our hand with tomatos too. Not pictured here are the seedlings from cucumbers and melons, which we bought from a local farmer.

We added a pergola in the back of the garden to create a sitting space. The frame and the concrete tiles were placed there in 2021. Last year we added the finishing touches – fabric to provide shade and light bulbs for decoration.

By mid-May, we were practically finished with the planting phase. In the first months of spring, the garden generally looks very neat and weeds are easy to keep at bay. While this part was mostly work and no produce, it was still satisfying to see how investing just a few hours every week pays off.

The medium

I suppose it’s human to have this need to express your thoughts. It’s probably even very healthy to do so in one way or another. However, I see that human minds are not that different from each other. So what can I write here that was not already said? And is this the purpose, to say something completly new? This is not some scientific paper that needs to be original .

So the goal has to be redefined. Not to write for a demanding and cruel audience, but for one’s self, to record a fraction of my mind as it was today.

The block

With the hope that the delay between two blog posts decreases exponentially, I am writing a second posts to setup the starting point of the curve.

Why I am writing this blog? To learn a new skill, to find out what is my free writing style, to practise presenting myself

What keeps me from posting? Generally, I am a very private person. I will talk about my job on occasion, but I keep my private life and my views for myself. So I struggle with what to publish here on this very public page.

So here is my challenge.